“La Forêt ~ Drie Rivieren” is the new album by IRINA KULIKOVA

The best album of the month has been offered by musician, composer IRINA KULIKOVA. 

Although the electronic subgenres and urban music are currently dominating the charts, there’s a plethora of exceptional artists who are creating their own unique sound to not only stand out in a crowded industry but to truly showcase their art and quality.

IRINA KULIKOVA is one of those artists that offers a whole musical universe. Her album “La Forêt ~ Drie Rivieren”, is a compelling thanks to soothing acoustic melodies and cinematic atmosphere. 

From “La Forêt 1. Sous les arbres”, to “Drie Rivieren. Doorheen de lichtstad” we are completely overwhelmed and immersed into a musical journey with amazing arrangements, and a subtle but flawless realization.

This is soothing and almost healing: