Today, we were glad to receive our top artist of the week: Phi of Khem.
The enigmatic producer as just released a new album entitled “Abandon All Hope, you Who Enter Here”, an amalgam of rock, pop, dance, trance, and dub all wrapped in a radio-friendly EDM shell
The opus is surprising from start to finish and immerses the audience into a unique world, a journey through epic sounds and outstanding production.
Press play right now and discover our exclusive conversation with Phi of Khem below:
Welcome to our redaction! Can you introduce yourself to our readers and tell us how you started to make music?
My name is James Giordano I started writing EDM at the start of 2000. I released multiple albums under a different moniker and different record labels. After some very difficult personal battles around 2016, I quit writing for a bit. I started back up around 1999 with a completely different philosophy and idea. This is its culmination.
What inspires you to create and write music?
I am an extremely emotional and pessimistic person, but for some reason when I write music, it comes out very upbeat and positive. I feel the music a lot differently than most and see it more as a painting than the actual sound.
Do you have a specific creative process?
So my music is more like painting to me, I start with a rough foundation of an idea I have, and then start laying on different “colors” to even out all the frequencies, and will never use a song if I cannot hear it on a piano. If it sounds good on a piano, it will make a great song. Layer by layer, I put together my music.
How would you describe your latest release?
“Abandon All Hope…” is my debut album on this project, and it brings together some of the first experimental tracks that I wrote along with some of the more polished ones. I think it’s a great debut album because you can see the progression this project has taken in my mind. Also, one track got signed by MojoHeadz Rekords, so it used to have 12 tracks on it, I had to re-release after pulling that track.
What do you plan for the future?
I have one album coming out in the next few months, and 3 more already in my head. My goal is to continue making music, as I was born into music, and it has always been a huge part of my life. I am most at peace in the studio writing.