Discovering the epic world of Celiane the voice

Welcome into the incredible world of Ceilane the voice. More than an artist, she offers a new musical universe to explore and cherish.

Celiane the voice are among those rare artists who can innovate while remaining authentic and generous. her music effortlessly blends electronic elements with uplifting elements and soulful-R’N’B tinted voice.

The vocal performances are blessed by incredible modern opera sonorities. Totally delicious and never-heard-before.

Listen to the unworldly Celiane the voice’s music now and discover our conversation with her below:

Welcome to our redaction! Can you tell us what inspires you to write and create music?

When the mood hits me, I write. Life inspires me, Love inspires me more; current events inspire me. Things that affect people and my life, start the juices to flow.

How would you describe your creative process?

I don’t have one really. Sometimes a song comes and sometimes it doesn’t. There are times I have to wait months and there are other times it just comes out. I just let me be so I can create.

Can you describe your latest release?

I released “Inner Universe Reloaded”, June 13, 2021. My next release, “Papa’s Song” will be released at the beginning of the year. I decided to do more of a dance track with my elements that I love. So we will see how that goes. I am excited because I will have my first dance track.

What do you plan for the future?

Many creative projects. I have my stage show, comic book and a video game in the works. Exciting stuff is coming.