Today, we are glad to introduce you to our best discovery of the weekend, the perfect musical gift to start the day on the right feet. Singer songwriter Mauricio Yrivarren A.K.A. Binary Drift has just released a little jewel entitled “The Guilded Age”.
In an area where artists all sound the same and create with machines, there is nothing better than a beautiful song that will make you disconnect from reality. Binary Drift takes you on a beautiful musical break, effortlessly rocked by addictive vocals and poetic acoustic guitar.
“The Guilded Age” is without a doubt the song of the weekend thanks to its pure melodies, a cloud of pleasant sounds. You are trapped in a magnificent nostalgic ballad, filled with a positive message.
“The Guilded Age” is part of a series of singles from Binary Drift’s debut album “Pocket Tunes”. Press play right now and enjoy this rare musical moment:
Time won’t wait until / we work to try to get it right
I wonder where I’ve been / I wonder who I really was
We need / Closure then laughter
Settle what remains / Move forward with no alibis
Silver & sunshine / Stillness of time
Daydream believing / Just like a child
Forgive all the wrongs / and wait for the morning after
Take a chance
Struggle yes indeed / Someday we’ll make sense of it all
Sail away the pain / Life’s too short to let it go
We need / Closure then laughter
Settle what remains / Move forward with no alibis
Silver & sunshine / Stillness of time
Daydream believing / Just like a child
Forgive all the wrongs / and wait for the morning after
Take a chance
Silence is a gift
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