Zenon Kesik’s discography is a hidden treasure trove, waiting to be explored by music enthusiasts seeking soft rock sonorities with a twist of quirky charm. The captivating signature he brings to his music is a testament to his love and musical generosity.
Introduced to the world through ‘Lucky Man,’ his album paints a vibrant portrait of life and love, infused with joyous rhythms that leave a lasting imprint.
An indie singer/songwriter of the 80s, Zenon Kesik’s talents were largely overlooked in an era predating the digital age. However, the tides have turned, and now, in his 70s, retired in Los Angeles, California, he’s experiencing a musical renaissance, thanks to the new world of online platforms.
His video album, ‘Lucky Man,’ stands as a testament to his enduring artistry, allowing a new generation to savor the sounds that once graced an earlier era.