James aka JamesDjj is an Italian American artist and model who lives between Rome and Los Angeles. His new single, entitled “Want To Die” and produced by The Slight, is breathtaking.
“The song comes from my need to express a strong disappointment with Italian laws. Even if now a glimmer of light begins to be seen, still today in Italy one is not free to choose whether to die, this because of the Church, because in other countries this does not happen and being an Italian American I felt this very lively theme. While loving life”. Says JamesDjj
Through “Want to Die”, JamesDjj describes the desire to die of a young man suffering from a serious pathology, and the impossibility of fulfilling his desire by deciding to put an end to his life. it unveils a dark, yet mysterious atmosphere, and a vocal performance coming from unworldly places.
The message, the artistic signature between pop and electro : a real musical experience has been crafted. This stands as a cry of hope for an Italy that has not yet made up its mind.
James about his inspiration : “Everything inspires me and can inspires me, I get inspired by many people with a strong sense of kindness for example, or people with a big heart.
For example, when I was in high school, that as a period that at the time I really hated but now I would give anything to go back to those beautiful times, I was really inspired by one of my friends, named Carolina (yep, is an Italian name because I am also Italian and I did school in Italy), from how kind she was, even her voice sounds kind, and was beautiful to see how she would share happiness near her.
As many other things that inspired me, chatting with that brilliant, intelligent, talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, articulate and compassionate woman (because even if she was a girl and didn’t know it, she was really a Woman with capital W) inspired me to write a couple songs, incredibly with a painless process, and she even changed my mind on few topics, and for who knows me that is really difficult thing to do, and I am not saying this because we were dating or I liked her, we were just friends, but because when I meet a nice person I really cherish it.”