Hailing from Houston, DJ Forrest Houston caught our attention thanks to his creative ability, putting together distinctive electronic sounds with a timeless quality.
In his latest delivery ‘Hometown’, DJ Forrest Houston uses house music influences as his canvas which he then paints over with experimental sounds.
Through ‘Hometown’, authenticity and originality are wrapped in cinematic colorful sonorities.
Listen to it right now and read our conversation with DJ Forrest Houston below:
Tell us who you are and how you started to make music?
I’m a Houston based performer who has been Djing live events for over 20 years from clubs to corporate to schools to private events. I love to release original and remixes of hip hop, pop, trap, and EDM music.
What inspires you to create?
I love to put my own twist on classics and even current hits and also invent my own sounds. I release originals and remixes designed for other DJs to help move dancefloors.
Do you have a specific creative process?
I usually come up with a concept and then get in the studio and the concept evolves into something entirely different after working with other talents. Other songs like “Hometown” seem to have popped in my head without warning like a streak of intuition. On “Hometown” I heard the song one morning in my head and got the inspiration from nowhere to create it.
Can you describe your latest release?
My latest release “Hometown” was remixed from a popular Bruce Springsteen ballad called “My Hometown”
The song has special meaning to me because I come from a small hometown so I wanted my remix to be a peppier and rhythmic version of this emotional classic. Many friends and fans told me the video made them tear up and even “ugly cry”, which I find hilarious because it was super emotional to pull that video footage for the video from hundreds of home video clips shot over the years . VIDEO was a Facebook Exclusive release: https://www.facebook.com/djforresthouston/videos/367903294981797
What do you plan for the future?
I have a few old classics that I have remixed but not yet released. Hometown has been successful so I’m still promoting it
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/djforresthouston
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/djforresthouston
Website: https://djforrestmusic.com