In an innovative and electrifying collaboration, Darby Rusk teams up with Atmosfin to deliver a sonic experience titled “Retrospection.” Breaking away from the conventional electronic sound, this track stands out with its high-octane rhythms that propel listeners into a trance-like state. The synthesizers, seemingly from another planet, and psychedelic basslines create an otherworldly experience, ushering listeners into a new dimension.
“Retrospection” is a journey that demands both mental and physical surrender. The relentless cadence transport the audience to uncharted territories and the energy acts as a catalyst, propelling the mind and body into an alternate sphere of auditory exploration.
Prepare to let your minds and bodies wander, for this experience might be a one-way ticket to an unparalleled sonic adventure:
“When we are close to death, the brain will secrete a chemical and bring us retrospection of when we were still alive.”
Both daring and exhilarating, press play: