Our redaction meets with rising star Avalanche The Architect

We discovered rising rapper Avalanche The Architect who made an amazing impression with his latest record, an epic album titled “Let There Be War”.

From the first seconds, the artist stands out from the crowd thanks to a singular flow and a unique vocal tone. Ferocious, powerful, haunting, his rap bars don’t sound like anybody else.

He invites us with “Let There Be War” through his life, struggle and inspirations and subtle old-school flavours.

Listen yo the record right now and read our fascinating conversation with Avalanche The Architect below:

Welcome! Can you tell us who you are?

Avalanche The Architect the best rapper in the universe, multiverse and beyond!

How did you start to make music and how would you describe your sound?

When I was in high school we use to free style in the cafeteria at lunch and then at parties we would battle rap and it evolved from there to going to the studio and taking it more serious

Do you have a specific creative process?

When I come up with a punch line or a clever word scheme I write it down or record it on my pocket digital recorder and when I feel I have enough content I go to my producer to get the perfect instrumentals and I record continuously until the album is done even if that means 2 weeks in a row of going to the studio

Can you tell us more about your latest release?

My new release is called Let There Be War and it is a metaphor for the battle between old and new school rap music. My album is inspired by the 1990’s Boom Bap sound there is no auto tune, singing, mumbling or any silly gimmicks just lyrical skills!

What’s your plan for the future?

To go 100 times platinum and be the best!