Out Now: “Beast”, by the extraordinary Yolanda Arrey

Be ready to discover a rare artist, one of the most surprising act around. She goes by the name of Yolanda Arrey, and she has just dropped a new masterpiece between music and visual arts entitled “Beast”. Powerful. 

Yolanda Arrey is a pure beautiful surprise as we love discovering artists with limitless creativity, and who are not afraid to work with other disciplines to express their art. Yolanda Arrey is definitely one of them.

From the music to the choreography, passing by the lyrics and artistic direction, the singer masters a unique world, going from darkness to hope and light through a splendid experiment. We also admire the way she is able to mix several music genres such as cinematographic soundscapes, soulful vocals, and pop touches. This is what we call true talent.

Remember this name, because we bet that she will be widely talked about. Respect Yolanda Arrey!


connect with Yolanda Arrey right now:

Official Websites : https://www.yolandaarrey.com/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/5lJ30a
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yolandaarre…
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yolandaarrey/
Twitter https://twitter.com/yolanda_arrey?lan… 
Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/beas… 
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/yolandaarrey