Adam Miele is an Italian-American actor rising in the film industry! Adam confirms his 2nd HBO TV-Movie role appearance and more exclusive news of being on set on his latest feature film in LA. Read the exclusive Q & A with Actor Adam Miele below:
Adam, you recently filmed in LA for an SAG feature film. Can you give us some details about your role and the production?
Adam Miele : I can! So I recently had a couple film projects happen! I was cast in a print commercial for Ozempic, which took place in LA. It was a multi-day shoot, in a few different locations. We shot out in Veterans Park, and then outside Santa Monica. The weather could not have been any better! The final day was over quick enough, that I even took a few mile stroll down to the Santa Monica beach. This was around the start of the Super Bowl too, so my nephew that works for the Pat Tillman Foundation, was working at the Super Bowl Experience. I even had time to spend with some of my family!! Such a great experience! The other project I was a part of, was here in Atlanta, GA. I was cast by an LA production, as a Police Ofc, in ‘Broken Seeds’. I had a few days on set for this role. ‘Broken Seeds’ is an extension of another film called ‘The Broken Rose’, both are from an amazing Screenwriter/Producer, William Uschold. Wow, talk about a great cast and crew to work and network with!!
Traveling on different film sets in different parts of the country, you have to tackle different time zones! Is there a specific health or regime that you do daily to keep you focused and on track?
Adam Miele : Oof, that’s tough to do, especially like you said with the different time zones. My sleep patterns I have always had trouble with. I was always good for a few hours solid, then in and out of sleep or just up. That being said, it has helped me be able to power through some very long days and different time zones. The focus comes from loving what you do and I love this! On the tougher days, it comes down to being mentally tough against yourself. You are your worst enemy. I stay on track by watching/listening to motivational videos like: Eric Thomas, Arnold Schwarzenegger and lately David Goggins! All great choices for a personal and mental ass kicking!! Honestly, I try to live a healthy lifestyle anyway. Throughout the last few years, I’ve switched gears and gone mostly plant-base. The kickstarter of this was when a great friend of mine asked me to do The Whole 30 with him. It is stripped down healthy food choices only. Not even grains or legumes. Of course no sugars or alcohol. We both enjoy cooking, so we would share/send screenshots of meal choices/ideas. He still lives up in Ohio, so that’s how we kept each other on track. Since that, is when I kept making more and more plant-based choices. It was when I watched ‘The Gamechangers’ movie. That is when I made the conscious choice of eating at a higher % of plant-based choices. I highly recommend that film to anyone! Now, being Italian, there are just some foods I like too much. However, I have found some delicious alternatives for bacon, the Beyond Meat for breakfast sausage, even plant-based options for chicken/turkey, and things of that nature.
Can you share with us some new personal or career news?
Adam Miele : ‘Broken Seeds’ is an HBO series that will be released soon and the HBO miniseries ‘The Staircase’ has already aired in May. I’m quite excited to see and share the end results! I haven’t come across the Ozempic print commercial yet. I guess help me keep an eye out.
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