illectronic is a well-rounded artist who developed a distinctive sound in the electronic lane. The producer combines the energy of EDM with colours of techno and an unconventional structure.
With his track “Victory”, he offers charismatic and haunting energies that give power and epic feelings in a very successful outcome. What’s special about this record is that all of the different influences are incredibly merged in, creating a very appealing sonic vision rocked by solid rhythms.
“Victory” is highly recommended if you need a strong dose of motivation, of infectious synthesizers et dynamic beats, as it builds a danceable, an addictive musical journey. Well, this is what we can call creativity!
Listen to “Victory” HERE.
Listen to more music now on Beatport HERE and rendez-vous below to read our conversation with illectronic below :
What first got you into music?
Great question. I remember as far back as kindergarten: I was in Yeshiva and they would bring in these cheap live bands to play classic jewish music on illectronic instruments haha. (I have a videographic memory going back to 2 years old) I would always bend my knees up and down which was my precursor to the love of dance as well. As I got older, we started to sing along to the musicians that played in school and I started to develop my vocal talents.
At 5 years old, I would listen to michael jackson cassettes with my neighbor over and over again and sing to it with her as well. <3 My first crush!
In 6th grade, the boys get separated from the girls in school (my first crush neighbor was in the same school as me too at first). I was always a misbehaved kid but I got really bad when there were no girls in class, so the principal lady: “asked me to leave. So I left for public school in the middle of 6th grade and got screened for the chorus by the teacher by singing “Happy Birthday”. She immediately took me in.
Now that I was free from the shackles of Yeshiva (no pop culture), I started to make new friends and listened to bands like Nirvana, Metallica, etc… (I am still into all types of music btw) and I loved it. Music was a way for me to make and keep friends. And I had a lot. I would always get the solos in chorus shows, talent shows, etc. People loved me. It also made me feel great and settles me down as I am a bit stircrazy at times tbh (creatives curse)
My love for music really expanded a lot during 6-8th grade (Shouts out to IS78 ROY H Mann JHS). My brothers did the columbia music tape/cd scams and I would listen to their tapes and cd’s. Then I remember the first illlectronic cd i heard at 13 years old. It was a tunnel mixCD. I remember listening to it in my older brother’s car (he is 13 years older than me!!!!). RED LIGHT, GREEN LIGHT. BOOM BOOM BOOM. From then on, I was enthralled by illlectronic music (this is a steve lawler track btw dont tell anyone!) and the scene. I was only 13. I tried getting into clubs right away at 13 with my bros id and got laughed at. This short skinny jew kid with bushy hair (imagine). By 17 tho, I grew up and my brothers extra ID typically worked. First club I went to was “Arena” in New Rochelle, NY. We saw Luz Divina live when JP was doing her productions. Jonathan peters therefore is my biggest inspiration. We got a crew together and would go watch 24 hour marathon sets every saturday night at spirit. (I JUST MISSED SOUND FACTORY – THE legendary nightclub of the later 90’s in NYC)(Although I did see junior vasquez there once and the system and layout of the sound factory at 46th street was second to none.)
I still go out today with my wife usually. We both like live music.
Who inspired you to make music?
I would have to say that JP inspired me to be a DJ. And through him and the community on his web site, I learned that unreleased tracks are loved by true fans and they wanna hear NEW MUSIC that the DJ HIMSELF or his boys (or girls!) made. So he inspired me to make my own music or edits for sets which snowballed into me producing pretty much full time in my house.
How would you describe the music that you typically create?
It’s not the genre. I like most if not all illectronic genre’s. (still messin’ witchu). It’s the feeling I want people to get it when they listen to it. I want them to feel emotions. Usually what I am feeling at the time.
..I had and still have a very hard life. I know a lot of people have problems…eh… it would take a whole nother interview about my personal life for anyone to understand… But I always come out better than ever. I’m like a cockroach. You can’t kill me or get rid of me. And I fail my way to success …
So for example, all of my tracks have a more melancholy or “dark” feel. Some are experimental. Some are a mix. JP for example would drop bombs that were up and down and he’s the DJ I saw live the most so it’s still in me. I hope to make happier tracks for the upcoming BPM festival and for the spring and summer in the northern hemisphere soon. My wife and son cheer me up a lot
so I will endeavor to spend more time with them this winter to get some happy EDM going that is aggressive, fierce, and loving.
What is your creative process like?
I start by going to hardware or a VST and knock out a bassline or sometimes a melody first. I then build around that, making sure everything is in key. I then structure the track with intro, finale, low removals, and of course the buildups and drops. Then I actually mix and master everything as I go along myself before sending it out to curators to test.
I am my harshest critic. I think all my stuff sucks. MY best friend is also very very realistic to the point where he is very mean to me and points out everything wrong. If it wasn’t for him my track “victory” would not be as polished. He is in my entourage.
I also have to post it on groover.co and they abused me for many tracks. I needed this in order to improve. The hate for my music got me sick motivation actually. And from that I made my latest ID “VICTORY” (Soundcloud link when released only – if not i can make a youtube video clip for u)
Who would you most like to collaborate with?
Eric Prydz. And he makes it hard for me to reach him.
If you could go open a show for any artist who would it be?
Anybody from the Afterlife, Armada, Diynamic labels… But I would say Solomun from the last respective label I mentioned as he is so diverse and knows how to move a crowd. Solomun + 1 at Pacha Ibiza would be a dream gig for me to be specific! I saw him with Butch there in 2019. Best club in the world imho.
What is one message you would give to your fans?
Never give up. The most successful people fail their way to success.
What would you be doing right now, if it wasn’t for your music career?
Working more on my startup
Where have you performed? What are your favourite and least favourite venues? Do you have any upcoming shows?
Yes in bars and lounges. I have unconfirmed shows at the moment
How do you feel the Internet has impacted the music business?
It made it possible for anybody to get big from being “viral” which is a beautiful thing but it also made people think creative and intellectual work should all be free and just made people suck more in general (personality wise). I lived through the beginnings of the web. Was on a computer in 1990 at first. Got my own in 1995 before AOL was even big. Things online have changed a lot over the years too. Again, some positive, some negative.
What is your favourite song to perform?
Eric Prydz – on off. I can never get sick of this one and I love eric
Which famous musicians do you admire?
The 27 dead crew which includes artists like Kurt Kobain and Jimmy Hendrix.
What is the most trouble you’ve ever gotten into?
I got locked up for fights because I used to drink. I had to stop drinking and I am proud to be clean and sober today.
What is the best advice you’ve been given?
Never rat out on your friends and always keep your mouth shut. LOL no that’s a goodfellas quote… Working on PAYtience has helped me the most with my entire career as that has cured my laziness!
If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?
Get rid of the scams.
What’s next for you?
I will continue to produce music of all types of illectronic genre’s. (LOL) I endeavor to DJ all over the world and continue to live a great family life with my wife Asya and my boy Ezra.