In the inaugural project of New York-based producer Nick Marks, titled ‘Cinematic Chromatics Vol. I,’ brilliance unfolds from start to finish. The album, comprised of four instrumental tracks, seamlessly blends jazz with funk while being infused with soulful hues. Marks showcases his mastery through incredible arrangements, featuring complex orchestrations that could easily serve as the soundtrack to your favorite films.
The opus is a treasure trove of surprises, demonstrating Marks’ ability to intertwine classical musical traditions with a modern touch, especially evident in his use of electronic elements throughout his productions. ‘Cinematic Chromatics Vol. I’ is akin to a canvas adorned with a myriad of instruments, sonic colors, and emotions. The tracks not only captivate the listener but also serve as a testament to Marks’ versatility as an artist.
The project stands out not just for its musical richness, as each note, each arrangement, is a brushstroke contributing to a larger masterpiece. ‘Cinematic Chromatics Vol. I’ is not merely an album; it’s a sonic journey, a fusion of tradition and innovation that showcases Nick Marks’ prowess as a producer with a keen artistic vision: