If you haven’t heard Tyler Pauley’s single “Scarr”, than you are missing out on a wonderful treat. The hit is quickly becoming a fan favorite by the crowd. The piping hot single has a very creative and unique beat that makes you want to just put the song on repeat over and over again. The beat is very catchy and it’s just a good song to vibe to with any crowd. Pauley is quickly rising to fame, garnering close to one hundred thousand Instagram followers and over seven hundred thousand followers on Tik Tok.
The start artist wasn’t always a star. He gives credit to his hard work and dedication to the perfection of his craft to getting him to where he is today. Pauley states that, “Nothing I have today was ever handed to me. I always had to work for everything that I had. I spent a lot of long nights and early mornings in the studio trying to perfect my craft in any wat that I could. The main thing that I tried to focus on was being consistent. I think that consistency is the key to success for anyone in any niche. The ability and will power to show up and work every day is a must, so I am just reaping the fruits of my labor.”
Being from Atlanta, Georgia, Pauley has always been surrounded by a rich culture of music. Tyler states that, “I grew up listening to artists like Future and Lil Baby when I was in Atlanta. I just liked the sound of their music and it honestly inspires some of the beats that I make. They both of a very interesting and unique sound to them that makes fans gravitate towards their music. Growing up in Atlanta has exposed me to a rich culture of music.” Tyler Pauley, also known as ProdbyPauley, has often been in the same studio with music greats such as Lil Yachty, SlxmJxmmy, and others that he has learned from and picked up things from that he can apply to his music. Tyler is definitely a rising force in the music industry that people should keep a close eye on. People can follow him on Instagram @iamtylerpauley.